
Dr. Song has over twenty years of experience in orthodontic treatment and is a member of both the American Association of Orthodontists and the World Federation of Orthodontists. He has unique insights into orthodontic treatment, holds a European invention patent, and multiple Chinese invention patents. Dr. Song's orthodontic treatments can achieve cosmetic effects comparable to surgical procedures for severe malocclusions, without the associated risks and complications of surgery.

What are the harms to crooked teeth? Can adults get orthodontics treatment?

Crooked teeth can negatively affect an individual’s appearance and personal image. An American banker shared a story where three individuals applied for a loan: two with bad teeth and one with straight, white teeth. Only the person with good teeth received the loan. This is because they believe if someone cannot take care of their teeth, they might not be able to manage other responsibilities well. Studies in the U.S. found that when evaluating someone based on ten criteria, including hair, clothing, dental condition, and the type of car driven, 75% of people placed dental health as the most important, followed by hair and clothing, while car and electronics were least important. People prefer to interact with those who have nice teeth, indicating that dental health is perceived to reflect personality in modern society. Therefore, having a set of straight, attractive teeth can be beneficial in life.

Secondly, crooked teeth significantly affect dental health. Individuals with misaligned teeth often find them harder to clean, leading to discoloration and food traps. Misaligned teeth are more prone to cavities and periodontal disease, causing loose teeth and potential issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), resulting in muscle pain, difficulty opening the mouth, and even headaches.

Therefore, both adults and children should undergo orthodontic correction for misaligned teeth.

What is the optimal age for orthodontic treatment?

The best age for orthodontic treatment is 11-12 years, when baby teeth are almost all replaced by permanent teeth, usually around the start of middle school. However, this does not mean that children should avoid dental visits before this age. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic consultation at age 7. While most children do not start orthodontic treatment at this age, mixed dentition (both baby and permanent teeth present at the same time) allows for early detection of some issues that can be more easily corrected at younger ages. Even if there are no issues that need early correction, dentists can still give parents useful advice on any problems that need correction later.

How long do we need to wear braces for?

The duration for wearing braces depends on the complexity of the issues, tissue response, and patient cooperation. Typically, complex orthodontic treatments take about one and a half to two and a half years.

Are there any precautions when wearing braces?

Clean the plaque on your teeth and braces thoroughly every day.

It's crucial for orthodontic patients to clean their teeth and braces thoroughly every day to prevent cavities and gum issues during the treatment. Here are some recommended methods:

  • Use a toothbrush to clean the tooth surface and braces thoroughly.
  • Use an interdental brush to clean under the wires.
  • Use dental floss to clean between teeth.
  • Have a professional cleaning every 3-6 months.

Why do we have to wear a retainer after orthodontics treatment?

Teeth that have been moved to new positions tend to revert to their original positions. So after orthodontic treatment, patients must wear retainers as instructed by their orthodontist to prevent relapse. Generally, retainers need to be worn day and night for the first six months and afterwards only at night. Follow your doctor's specific instructions for the best results.

Call us now! We will provide the most professional service for your dental problems.